Tonight was the last night of VBS for UMCGT Church. 3 of us wrote a curriculum for the Heifer Project. The kids were amazing and I enjoyed the chaos and insanity, but am glad at least that part is over. Here's some of the kids at the May musical... another insane endeavor.
I'm still nannying for the summer for the Bakkers in Chesterfield. Kayla (10) and Robin (7) are absolute cuties. We went to Queenie Park last week. Here's a photo from that on the right.
On the 4th of July Holiday I went and visited the Doyle clan in NE Oklahoma. It was great to see all of them again. My dad wasn't there, still too new at his new job to get time off. Neither was Aunt Susan, but I'm sure she'll visit OK soon and i hope to see her then.
Joe n I are going to the lake this weekend, just the 2 of us... I'm sooo looking forward to getting away. Last weekend we had my friend Steph and her beau out for the wineries and picnicing/BBQ and that was awesome. But I need some time with my honey that doesn't involve sleeping... or prepping to meet people.