I've been gone wayyy too long from my journal and spendign wayyyy too much time doign data entry... i'm starting to contemplate scary thoughts on the state of the universe and what I could do to shake things up a bit... all while typing in 60-80 purchase orders an hour. UGH! I'm getting to the point (finally) that school is starting to look like a double decker gooey chocolate cake compared to the mind-numbing appeal of $10/hr.What have I been thinking about while typing my fingers into a numbing frenzy? Well, after the 20th time watching a preview for some extreme martial arts fighting tourney on pay-per-view... sometimes I'd be fantasizing over what I could do to a big testosterone dripping tattoo marked karate stud... well, enough of that...
I've actually composed a few sermons in my head while entering in all these orders for self-help fundies and prosperity gospel how-tos. Of course, the sermons went over AMAZINGLY well in my head... entire congregations of disaffected suburbanites standing up and joining the fight to save the world from whatever suffering I'm preaching on. SIGH. if only life were really like that. No need for OOMPA LOOMPAS to make the candy anymore, we all would make our own candy from organically shade-grown cocoa and sustainably grown sugarcane... no need for the dictator Willy Wonka to use slave labor, victimizing little orange people and drugging us into believing his fairy tale with the sweetest of opiates... REFINED SUGAR... the WHACK CRACK for sweet tooth junkies. Personally? Give me my dark chocolate... the purest richest flavor there is... mmm....
Sigh. sorry, needed a moment there. where was i? :) Ah, yes, my life-changing sermons. Well, I hope that i didn't waste all my good sermon ideas on the little people in my head... cuz they'll obviously think anything I think is genius... and I've already converted them to my cult by using sleep deprivation, hallucinagenic drugs, and the power of suggestion. Hate to double dip my efforts like that.
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