So, my friends and I have been doing some major research into alternative forms of church and ministry... looking at ways that we may put into action a concept for a church start/mission church idea outside of the box of traditional ministry.
In order to see what it is that people may really want, I've been asking many of the discussion boards I belong to this question.
If you were to start your own church, what would it be like?
I've really enjoyed hearing people's responses, so let me know what you think, as well.
Another interesting discussion I'm having is in my process theism class. GASP! What's that, you say? Well, I'm too tired to explain it in detail at the moment, but it takes the philosophy developed by Whitehead (mentioned before) and applies it to understanding of God and reality.
Anyway, in this class, we listened/read the credo "I believe there is no God" by Penn Jillette, the tall guy of Penn and Teller. It's very compelling and something to chew on. Here's a quote:
“I'm not greedy. I have love, blue skies,
rainbows, and Hallmark cards, and that has to be enough…
It seems just rude to beg the invisible for more. ”
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