Wow. It's been a while since I've blogged... almost to the point of being awkward, kind of like the friend you haven't seen in a long time and things have changed so much you have nothing to say... AND everything that has changed doesn't seem so spectacular, so why mention it?
But then, I'm not known for letting a little awkward shyness stop me from opening my mouth. :)
I'm looking at the word awkward and thinking how appropriate it is for its meaning... what a cumbersome and odd looking little word. You'd think it'd be describing some exotic animal like an aardvark or a platypus. If awkward were an animal, I think it would look kinda like a cross between an oppossum and a three-toed sloth... probably living in the wilds of city dumps, eating only food with lots of hydrogenated oils. It's mating call would be similar to the vibrating whine sound my car makes when a belt is loose. *See, why be awkward over not knowing what to say when Regan is around? She'll find some BS to talk about. ;)
Hard to believe, but there are times when I just don't have much to say. I'd rather just do my sudoku in peace and let all the drama of politics, family crises, career making decisions, etc. fly right over my head. Escapist... me? NEVER! So, I'm going to go and finish my sudoku, maybe a crossword or two, and just pretend like this never happened, k?
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