Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Headline: Treehuggers delay coming of Christ

So, I'm reading a plethora of articles and books in preparation for writing my paper on Christian Environmental Ethics, but have a found a particularly juicy book of essays by evangelical Christians called The Care of Creation. In an essay on eschatology (for some meaning end times, armageddon, return of Christ, etc.) a professor at a bible college responds to his students' relevant question....

"If the end of history will involve the annihilation of creation, does
not Christian involvement in green issues serve to delay the Lord's

SIGH. I always knew this thought was lurking in the back of some people's brains. Probably the same people who see the recent hurricanes as a sign of an immanent armageddon. The author of the essay does give a provocative argument using none other than Jurgen Moltmann's theology of hope (saying that creation transforms daily towards the promised future kingdom of God) combined with Paul's call to use our spiritual gifts for today's problems.

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