So, I ran across all these online tests I took a year ago from Some interesting stuff. Here's my Enneagram results...
Regan, you're a Type 2 - The Humanitarian
Friends, family, and colleagues probably appreciate your caring and generous
nature. They're also apt to know that when they come to you with a problem,
you'll usually offer a shoulder to cry on and unparalleled compassion. As a
Humanitarian, you're likely to be seen as a loving and helpful person with a
kind heart.Being a member of this type puts you in good company. Mother Teresa,
with her tireless devotion to aid the sick and destitute members of society, and
Bishop Desmond Tutu, with his emphasis on nonviolent protest against racial
injustices, are also Type 2sThis means that compared to the eight other
Enneagram types, you have a strong sense of empathy for other people. In fact,
you're the kind of warm, sincere person who can be uniquely capable of seeing
the good in others.
Well, that's me to a tee... okay, maybe on a good day... actually, it's probably only true right after I ate a good piece of chocolate. Which means any future children I may someday have will want to invest in bulk. ;)
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