Friday, December 09, 2005

i could build a house of books

It's true. SIGH. I have, oh, I'd imagine a thousand books or so at least and the piles keep on growing. I try to get rid of the quick read fiction/paperbacks as soon as i read them, but other books keep on creeping into my life when I'm not looking.

Yesterday there were boxes of old books (probably from a retired or deceased pastor) in the student center and at first I was going to ignore them (good, Regan) but then a classmate starts reading off titles and I get sucked in. I then try to say "These are out of date and i'll never read them" Then I see John Bright's A History of Israel, a cricital work in bib studies, then I see a book on the Enneagram... before I know it I have 4 books stacked in my arms and I ran away before I grabbed anymore.

Then last night, when I should have been writing my theology of ordination paper, I skimmed through the enneagram book... it using it in a psychoanalytical way... really only focusing on the negatives of each point of the enneagram. It was rather depressing, actually. What was interesting is that while Type 2 (the giver) has historically been mine (see previous post... and many of the traits still resonate often), I find myself transforming more into a type 9... the mediator.

It's amazing, really, how we all change and evolve. Deep down I'm often still that passive type 2, but type 9 really is more about focusing on a goal while still avoiding and deflating conflict, versus sticking your head in the sand. Guess little (HAH! LITTLE?, that's funny) Regan is finally growing up.

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